Are Ductless Mini-Splits Worth the Cost

Ductless mini-split air conditioning (AC) systems are an alternative to central ductwork air conditioning and heating systems. They consist of an inside air distributor unit and an outside air compressor. These versatile machines can maintain good air quality in a single-person home or a commercial office year-round.

When debating what ventilation solution to install, here are some reasons why ductless mini-splits might be the optimum choice.

Compact size

Ductless mini-splits come in a wide variety of sizes and specs. Different brands allow for multiple indoor units to connect to a single outdoor condenser for house-wide air control and ventilation. With one mini-split, a room can be zoned off to have separate air conditioning control without affecting the rest of the house.

Installation benefits

Mini-splits require a single hole bored through a wall to connect its outside and inside units with conduit and refrigeration pipes. These conduit lines can be dozens of feet long, which is especially useful when connecting AC units in commercial buildings. Without the need to connect ducts, the installation consists of hanging the units on the inside and outside walls and running a conduit line between them. There is no need to add ductwork to an existing house, an extensive renovation project.

Energy efficiency

Ductless mini-splits have become increasingly energy-efficient over the years. Central air conditioning and heating systems can have enormous energy losses due to their ductwork, especially as the ducts age, crack, leak, and clog over time. While they are more costly to operate to cool and heat the air in the house, ductless systems also more efficient in that they don't distribute energy to rooms you don't need to ventilate often, resulting in a more efficient zoning system.

Whisper quiet

Newer models of mini-splits operate in relative quiet. Since the air compressor is located outdoors, there's very little noise in the rooms where the mini-split is actively working. In general, ductless mini-split AC systems offer a smooth service with which standard duct central systems can't compete.


Since the system's installation requires a small hole through a wall, your house is more secure against potential intruders. Criminals can knock through Portable AC units installed in windows and might dislodge wall AC units from the outside. A mini-split installation creates a minimal security risk to your home or office.

Small but powerful

Ductless mini-splits are an easy-to-install alternative for ventilation and temperature control needs. These systems offer many benefits to residential and commercial buildings and are especially useful for adding air conditioning to an old building without installing ducts. A ductless mini-split AC system can be a worthwhile investment for a home or office with a wide array of designs from which to choose.

Call Above and Beyond Air Conditioning & Heating at (210)794-9895 for any AC installation, AC maintenance, AC replacement, AC tuneup, and condenser coil cleaning needs in San Antonio, TX. We are a licensed company ensuring top-quality solutions.


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