What to Know About a Furnace
If a furnace emits a burning smell, it could result from several issues.
Furnaces provide warmth in winter and are installed in most homes nationwide. Due to their complex nature, these units can be subject to many odd symptoms, such as burning smells and humming noises. It’s definitely cause for alarm whenever there is the smell of smoke in a home, and when the odor is associated with the furnace, homeowners should investigate immediately. They should be familiar with the causes behind these issues to identify them and know what course of action to take when they arise.
A burning smell from the furnace
If a furnace emits a burning smell, it could result from several issues. A dirty filter could clog the furnace and cause it to overheat, creating a fire hazard. Keep in mind that an oil furnace releases a distinct oily odor when the filter is clogged rather than a burnt smell. Additionally, if the unit is not used for several months, dust can accumulate and cause a burning smell. Although the dust eventually burns off, it can leave behind a fire hazard residue, so schedule seasonal maintenance inspections.
Furthermore, ensure no combustible items are stored near the furnace, as this is a dangerous fire hazard, and always keep an extinguisher nearby. If the burning smell has a distinctly electrical odor, this could indicate a severe issue with the motor, heat exchanger, or several other heating system components, so turn off the unit and contact a professional immediately.
Humming noise
Most of the time, the noises a furnace makes are simply part of regular operation, and mean nothing at all. For instance, there may be a loose panel in the duct grate that makes a racket when the heat is blowing. Or, the noise could indicate that the furnace is engaged, preparing to heat the home. In fact, the everyday noise your furnace makes may be such a part of your regular household noises you don’t even notice anymore.
If a furnace makes a humming noise, the issue could be as simple as loose components that need to be tightened. The furnace plenum and ductwork are made from a thin sheet of metal for pliability. Over time, the joints and seams loosen, causing the air to vibrate through the sheet metal, creating a hum. Tighten or replace the screws, or secure the duct and plenum seams.
The electrical current passing through the furnace transformer can cause a distinct hum. This hum can indicate transformer failure or simply that the bolts need to be tightened. Additionally, a sudden, loud humming noise from the blower could indicate motor failure. Call a repair company immediately to repair the motor before it fails.
Furnaces are complex machines that can be dangerous to the inexperienced. While it may be tempting to solve these problems independently, it’s never worth the safety risk. When any of these issues arise, contact a professional HVAC repair company, as they have the expert knowledge and experience to safely and efficiently make these repairs. In our next blog, we explore what to do when a furnace is making loud banging noises.
If you need experienced and trained technicians for furnace installation, furnace maintenance, furnace replacement, and furnace repair, contact Above and Beyond Air Conditioning & Heating at (210)794-9895. Emergency services are available 24/7.